CTO as a Service
As your Chief Technology Officer on Demand, I can:
Help you make strategic decisions.
- You’ll need to make many decisions before you can even begin building. I can help you with that in the 👨💼Executive Digital Business Consultancy monthly service.
The consultancy consists of 1 hour/week work sessions for discussing your business goals, strategy and progress in order to support you in the decision making process for your digital projects.
We will discuss your project to make sure the business side of things is on point and the strategy is robust.
My education and experience in a wide range of industries will allow us to foresee the challenges you might encounter and transform them into opportunities on time using timely and accurate decisions.
One of the first things you will need to decide is: If i'm not learning how to build this for yourself, who will build it for you?
Most of the times you can build your prototype or even your first version and scale forever with just one or two very good No-code Developers. Some other times, you might prefer to include a Project Manager for extra control and precision or even a Traditional Software Developer for advanced projects or features. I’ll help you decide on that and on many other things you might need support with.
Lead your technical teams.
- If you decide to be full hands on your project and build it yourself, you’re probably the kind of person that does not need a project manager to manage his own project, right?
But if you decide to hire a team you will definitely need a technical leader who speaks the three main languages of a modern project; business, technology and marketing.
I can do that for you with the monthly 🧐Technical Project/Product Management subscription.
1 hour/week work sessions to make sure the ideas, strategies, requirements and specifications of the non technical stakeholders of the project are completely understood by the designers, engineers and developers so that they can deliver quality on time.
My responsibility is to create a strong and clear channel of communication between all of the parts involved in the project in order to guarantee it’s successful completion.
I will make sure the technical have all of the tools to do their best work and the motivation to go beyond.
I will teach, explain or even solve myself their issues whenever is possible, in order to make sure we’re always making progress towards our project’s goals.
Build software for you.
- 😎No-code software development and integrations.
Software development but 10 times faster, 10 times more affordable and with the same or even higher quality is a promise I was very skeptic about.
Then I realized this is just the same old story of a technology being replaced for a much better one, once again. I’ve been through many transitions in tech and I can’t be happier for this one.
No-code is a new promise of tech being democratized and accesible for the most of the people. Never before it was so easy for literally anyone to actually learn and build software projects or solutions.
With this monthly subscription you will receive your full digital project (Mobile app, Game, NFT, Website, etc.) built 10x faster and 10x cheaper than with traditional software development (code) for a monthly retainer base fee of $499/month + $50 per/hour.
- 🤓Software Engineering/Development lead.
Typing commands and writing code is my passion although I’ve been doing it less and less since I started dominating several Artificial Intelligence tools and No-code tools that makes the writing of code obsolete.
I’ve noticed my traditional coding skills are still very useful everytime a no-code tool is limited in any way but specially everytime a project requires a little extra to make some magic happen.
So with the Software Engineering/Development lead monthly subscription you can hire an experienced full-stack javascript developer as your software engineering/development team lead for a monthly retainer base fee of $1,000/month + $75 per/hour.
Tech you or your team how to build any kind of digital project by yourself.
- 👨🎓 Learn to do it yourself (DIY) with Artificial Intelligence & No-code.
With 2 hours/week work sessions you will learn how to work with the latest Artificial Intelligence and No-code tools available so you can build your own project (Mobile apps, Games, NFTs, Websites, and basically anything with software) 10x faster, 10x cheaper and without having to learn old school code programming.
No-code is so amazing that most projects (prototypes, betas, 1.0 versions or even fully scalable projects) can be built in just 1 or 2 months.
Once we’re finished building your project, you don’t have to continue with the subscription :)
All memberships include a 1 week free trial
SubscribeA hands on CTO ready to support you on every step of your digital journey.
On demand CTO:
Óscar Taylor
Costa Rica, New York
Years of experience
Code language of choice
No-code weapon of choice
Meet with Óscar
Óscar's Portfolio
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